The Wild Wild West – “The Night of the Dancing Death”

The Wild Wild West Season One DVD

Original Air Date: November 5, 1965
Starring: Robert Conrad, Ross Martin, Ilse Taurins
Directed by: Harvey Hart

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains spoilers for this episode!

Synopsis: James T. West (Robert Conrad) and Artemus Gordon (Ross Martin) travel to Albania to try to find the whereabouts of a missing Princess and become the targets of a villainous group.

Kitty Cameo: In one scene James and Artemus are sitting with a woman named Marianna (Ilse Taurins), a member of the gang known as the Camorra.  A kitten wanders into the scene (how it got inside the train is anyone’s guess) and Jim tries to make a point about how the bad guy, Prince Gio (Peter Mark Richman), is almost as agile as the cat.

The Wild Wild West - The Night of the Dancing Death - long haired kitten walking across floor

Jim then inexplicably picks up the kitten and flips it onto the floor to watch it land on its feet, not once but three times!

The Wild Wild West - The Night of the Dancing Death - James T. West Robert Conrad holding long haired kitten with Artemus Ross Martin and Marianna Ilse Taurins

The Wild Wild West - The Night of the Dancing Death - James T. West Robert Conrad flipping cat to floor

Afterwards Jim comments that the kitten has certainly earned its milk today.

The Wild Wild West - The Night of the Dancing Death - James T. West Robert Conrad still holding long haired kitten with Artemus Ross Martin and Marianna Ilse Taurins

Final Mewsings: Women may flip over James West.  Cats, not so much.

Many thanks to our friend Ted Davis for spotting this television cat for us!

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