Estória do Gato e da Lua (1997)

English Title: The Tale About the Cat and the Moon
Narrated by:
 Joaquim de Almeida
Directed by: Pedro Serrazina

Synopsis: An enchanting black and white animated short film about a black cat who longs for his lover, the moon.

Cartoon Cat: This is one of those magical films that defy description and has to be seen to be appreciated.

The Tale About the Cat and the Moon - black cat looking up at the moon

The black cat refers to the moon as a female and chases her but also waits patiently for her.

The Tale About the Cat and the Moon - black cat crouching

The artwork is sublime and artistic.  A true masterpiece of animation.

The Tale About the Cat and the Moon - black cat clutching at the moon

A must-see for cat and moon lovers alike!

The Tale About the Cat and the Moon - black cat leaping for the moon

Final Mewsings: Cats and moons were made to go together.

Relevant Links:

IMDb logo  tcmlogo  Amazon logo

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