Cat Show (2014)

Cat Show poster

Directed by:
 Donna Lipowitz

Synopsis: An entertaining documentary which follows a young woman named Carly who raises and shows her Himalayan cats at cat shows across the U.K. and in Europe.

Reality Cats: Carly owns several Himalayans and shows a couple of them but the focus of the documentary is on Tango who is accruing numerous points and has a chance at an international title.

Cat Show - Himalayan cat Tango

Cat Show - Himalayan cat Tango being judged

Carly happens to be blind, has a bright and charming sense of humor and is genuinely passionate about breeding and showing her cats.

Cat Show - Himalayan cat Tango being brushed by Carly

Cat Show - Carly at home with her Himalayan cats

The film takes an interesting look at the world of competitive cat shows and the cat fanciers who attend them, so of course there are numerous cats shown throughout.

Cat Show - white cat with black eyebrows

Cat Show - orange tabby cat with white

A very sweet documentary well worth watching if you love cats.

Cat Show - Himalayan cats at home

Final Mewsings: Every cat deserves to be a favorite cat!

Relevant Links:

IMDb logo  Hulu logo  Official Website Link

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