Fantasia 2000 (1999)

Fantasia 2000 poster

Walt Disney Pictures
Directed by:
 Eric Goldberg

Synopsis: A new installment of Disney’s original Fantasia with animated segments set to classical music.

Cartoon Cat: In the Al Hirschfeld-inspired segment set to George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, we see a man named Duke waking up late and hurrying to get dressed and get to work.  Outside of the building a milkman is delivering bottles to the front step.  A black and white cat is sitting on the garbage man when the milkman’s horse and cart pull up.

Fantasia 2000 - black and white cat watches milkman pull up to curb

The cat hides and peeks out as the milkman deposits the bottles.

Fantasia 2000 - black and white cat watches milkman leaving milk bottles

The cat then watches the milkman drive away.

Fantasia 2000 - black and white cat watches milkman pull away

The cat approaches the bottles and then pushes down on the top of one, finally popping it loose and splattering milk everywhere.

Fantasia 2000 - black and white cat opening milk bottle

Fantasia 2000 - black and white cat happy with milk everywhere

The cat is happily lapping up milk when Duke rushes out of the building and swooshes by, spinning the cat into the bottle.

Fantasia 2000 - black and white cat spinning into bottle

Final Mewsings: Cats would prefer to drink their morning milk in leisure.

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