Ghost (1990)

Ghost DVD cover

Paramount Pictures
 Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Rick Aviles
Directed by: Jerry Zucker

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze) and Molly Jensen (Demi Moore) are passionately in love but when Sam is suddenly murdered he finds himself as a ghostly observer and quickly realizes that her life may also be in danger.

Featured Feline: Molly owns a tabby cat named Floyd.  We first see Floyd in a scene in which Molly and Sam are in bed together after moving into their new loft apartment.

Ghost - tabby cat Floyd sitting on bed

After Sam dies, Floyd is seen in the foreground of the loft after Sam’s funeral.

Ghost - tabby cat Floyd sitting on pottery wheel

Later, Molly is sitting at her pottery wheel with Sam sitting nearby.  Floyd is also in the room.

Ghost - tabby cat Floyd sitting on pottery wheel

As Sam moves closer to Molly, Floyd suddenly hisses violently.

Ghost - tabby cat Floyd hisses at Sam

Realizing the cat can sense him, Sam puts his face close to Floyd’s and stares into Floyd’s eyes.  Floyd screeches and runs away.

Ghost - Sam stares into tabby cat Floyd's eyes

Ghost - tabby cat Floyd's eyes close up

Later Sam sees his murderer (Rick Aviles) breaking into the loft apartment.  Molly returns home, not realizing the man is there.  She walks up the stairs and pets Floyd briefly before going into her bedroom.  The man is hiding behind a corner.

Ghost - tabby cat Floyd with Sam and Willie

Sam pushes his face in close to Floyd’s again.

Ghost - Sam sticks his face in tabby cat Floyd's face

Sam then screams in Floyd’s face.

Ghost - Sam screams at tabby cat Floyd

Floyd reacts and leaps away from Sam into the face of the killer, chasing him off!

Ghost - tabby cat Floyd leaps at Willie

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t like it when ghosts invade their personal space.

Many thanks to T.j. Dotson for reminding us of this Cinema Cat!

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