American Maker (1960)

Jam Handy Organization
Narrated by:
 Marvin Miller
Directed by: Walter Koste, Donald Livingston, John Thiele, Jean Yarbrough

Synopsis: Entertaining promotional film by Chevrolet which celebrates the building spirit of the American citizen, past and present.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): About nine minutes into the film the narrative switches from the present to the past, taking a look at how Americans originally had to be makers.  In one scenario a woman is shown at a spinning wheel as the narrator explains how we learned patience.  The woman looks down and wags her finger at something below.  A little orange tabby cat is then shown briefly, tangled up in the yarn.

American Maker - orange tabby cat tangled up in yarn

Final Mewsings: Humans may be put-it-togetherers but cats are take-it-aparters.

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