Roughly Speaking (1945)

Roughly Speaking poster

Warner Bros.
 Rosalind Russell, Jack Carson, Jean Sullivan
Directed by: Michael Curtiz

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: The autobiographical tale of Louise Randall Pierson (Rosalind Russell) and her life of determination from the turn of the century to America’s entry into World War II.

Kitty Cameos: Well into the film Louise meets Harold C. Pierson (Jack Carson) and then he visits her home.  As they are talking in the kitchen he makes a point by asking her to look at a basket on the other side of the room.  She looks and there are two kittens sitting in the basket.

Roughly Speaking - two kittens in a basket

Purr Blur: Later when the entire family is working to prepare the Pierson roses for shipping, their youngest son Frankie (Gregory Marshall) is sitting off to one side with a cat in his lap.

Roughly Speaking - little Frankie with cat in his lap

Final Mewsings: Every kitchen should come with two kittens in a basket.

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