She Caught on Quick (1940)

Jam Handy Organization
Narrated by:
 Walter O’Keefe

Synopsis: A woman worries about having company over when her furniture looks so terrible.  She visits a Singer center, learns to sew and transforms her house like magic!

Commercial Cat: In the very beginning of this short film commercial, the announcer Walter “O’Keefe says he’s turning the microphone over to the cat, then “Take it away, Kitty.”  We see a large furry cat sitting on the arm of a chair and ripping it to shreds with its claws.

She Caught on Quick - long-haired cat clawing chair arm

A moment later the wife in the piece approaches the chair (where her husband happens to be sitting not paying any attention to the cat at all.)  She forcibly pulls the cat from the chair, even though its claws are dug in, then drops it on the floor.

She Caught on Quick - woman pulls long-haired cat from chair arm

Final Mewsings: If she got her cat a scratching post she wouldn’t have had to learn how to sew!

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