Sesame Street – “Cat and Mouse Chase”

Original Air Date: May 14, 1971
Directed by: John and Faith Hubley

Synopsis: A cat chases a mouse into a hole where they communicate via knocks.

Cartoon Cat: The grey cat chases after the mouse.

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - gray cat running after mouse

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - gray cat running after mouse

The mouse ducks into a hole and the cat hits the wall.

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - gray cat hitting flat against wall

The cat then knocks on the wall and the mouse answers with corresponding knocks.

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - gray cat knocking on wall above mouse hole

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - gray cat listening to wall above mouse hole

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - gray cat pounding on wall above mouse hole

This continues, getting more intense, until the cat actually uses boxing gloves to knock on the wall.

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - gray cat wearing boxing gloves by mouse hole

Eventually the wall crumbles, although the mouse doesn’t notice it at first. The chase is on again!

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - gray cat looking through hole in wall at mouse

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - mouse grabbing nose of gray cat through hole in wall

Sesame Street - Cat and Mouse Chase - gray cat diving at mousehole

Final Mewsings: Cats and mice can ruin your walls.

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