The Golden Girls – “The Way We Met”

The Golden Girls Season One DVD

Original Air Date: May 10, 1986
Starring: Betty White, Rue McClanahan
Directed by: Terry Hughes

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains spoilers for this episode!

Synopsis: The ladies reminisce about how they came to be roommates.

Featured Feline: Blanche (Rue McClanahan) remembers how she met Rose (Betty White) while in the supermarket to post an ad for a new roommate on the community bulletin board. Rose approaches the board holding a long-haired grey cat.

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

The two women begin talking and Rose explains how she was kicked out of her apartment because the new owners of her building don’t allow pets.

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - Blanche Rue McClanahan and Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

Rose continues to explain how she found the cat, which she has named Mr. Peepers, just the week before but that she can’t stand the idea of him being homeless without her.

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - Blanche Rue McClanahan and Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

Blanche thinks that Rose might be a potential roommate until they talk some more and she realizes she has nothing in common with her. Blanche then apologizes and says it would never work out before walking away.

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - Blanche Rue McClanahan and Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - Blanche Rue McClanahan and Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - Blanche Rue McClanahan and Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

A moment later a little boy (Edan Gross) approaches Rose asking to pet Mr. Peepers. The boy explains that his cat Harpo died and looked just like her cat.

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - little boy Edan Gross and Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - little boy Edan Gross and Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

Rose generously offers Mr. Peepers to the little boy who is very happy. Seeing this, Blanche decides to ask Rose to be her roommate after all.

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - little boy Edan Gross and Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

The Golden Girls - The Way We Met - little boy Edan Gross and Rose Betty White holding gray cat Mr. Peepers

Final Mewsings: People who love cats and children make good roommates.

Many thanks to our good friend Fritz for spotting the cat in this episode!

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