Kitten Witch (2016)

Kitten Witch poster

Media Design School
 Delaney O’Hara, Anthea Hill
Directed by: James Cunningham

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A kitten named Freda (voiced by Delaney O’Hara) applies for a job as a witch’s familiar.

Cartoon Cat: Freda applies to a witch named Zoe (Anthea Hill) who asks her qualifications. Freda can ride a broom and can also perform some magic of her own, even though she needs more practice.

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten outside Zoe's door

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten at table with Zoe Anthea Hill

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten sitting at table

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten at table performing magic on cup

Zoe sends Freda out into the world to collect the ingredients for a potion that will make her the witch’s familiar. The items are rare and hard to find.

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten looking at red snail

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten pulling on lizard's tail

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten sitting on chair

When it comes to one ingredient, Freda is too afraid to get the right thing, so improvises instead.

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten in dark cave

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten scared in dark cave

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten cowering outside cave

When Freda returns, Zoe explains that the potion will turn Freda into a witch herself. Things don’t go exactly as planned (and we won’t spoil the ending here) but things work out okay in this charming short film that blends live action with CGI animation.

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten sitting on bench

Kitten Witch - Freda gray kitten close

Final Mewsings: Cats are adaptable.

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