Big Top Pee-Wee (1988)

Big Top Pee-Wee poster

Paramount Pictures
 Paul Reubens, Kris Kristofferson
Directed by: Randal Kleiser

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Pee-Wee Herman (Paul Reubens) is happy on his little farm until a storm blows in a cirus troupe that changes his life.

Kitty Cameo: In the beginning of the film Pee-Wee is doing his morning farm chores and then feeds all of his animals, who gather around a table. On the table is a black cat who is eating.

Big Top Pee-Wee - black cat on table with pig and Pee Wee-Herman

Big Top Pee-Wee - black cat on table with pig and Pee Wee-Herman

Pee-Wee praises Vance the pig for sharing his food with the cat, who is eating from the pig’s plate.

Big Top Pee-Wee - black cat on table with pig and Pee Wee-Herman

Big Top Pee-Wee - black cat on table eating from pig's plate

Purr Blur:  Later in the film a huge storm hits and all of the animals are gathered in the storm shelter. A long-haired ginger cat is sitting on a table in this scene.

Big Top Pee-Wee - long-haired ginger cat on table in cellar with animals and Pee Wee-Herman

Big Top Pee-Wee - long-haired ginger cat on table in cellar with animals and Pee Wee-Herman

Big Top Pee-Wee - long-haired ginger cat on table in cellar with animals and Pee Wee-Herman

Final Mewsings: Cats can get away with eating on the table.

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