Felix Comes Back (1922)

Pat Sullivan Cartoons
Directed by:
 Otto Messmer

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Felix the Cat steals some hot dogs from the butcher and gets a trip to the North Pole as a result.

Cartoon Cat: In the beginning of this short, Felix is starving.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat hungry outside butcher shop

He then spots some hot dogs hanging outside the butcher shop.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat spots hot dogs outside butcher shop

Being careful not to wake the butcher, Felix meows at the hot dogs and they bark back then chase him.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat meows at hot dogs which bark back animated gif

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat being chased by hot dogs

Felix corners the hot dogs in an old hollow log and shoots them, then feasts.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat shooting gun at log

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat holding up dead hot dogs

The butcher is fed up and sets a trap for Felix when he returns for more hot dogs.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat spots sausage on trap

Catching Felix in the box, the butcher throws it into the ocean. Felix finds himself at the sea bottom where he is swallowed by a fish.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat in box at ocean bottom

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat tail being bitten by big fish

The fish is caught in the Arctic by a surprised fisherman.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat surprised Arctic fisherman

Felix has all kinds of problems from the locals. As he tries to catch fish, a penguin eats his tail. He replaces his tail with a handy question mark.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat uses question mark for tail

Felix chases the penguin and is then chased in turn by a seal.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat sees angry seal

While running away from the seal, Felix angers a polar bear.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat sees angry polar bear

Felix manages to climb to the top of what he calls the North Pole to escape. But the bear just knocks the whole thing down.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat on top of North Pole

Felix then uses a couple of question marks to make skiis.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat on skiis

Escaping the polar bear on an iceberg, Felix drifts out to sea where he freezes.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat drifting to sea on iceberg

Back at the shop, the butcher is enjoying his time free from Felix. He then receives a delivery of ice which melts, revealing the cat.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat thaws inside butcher shop

Felix then meows to the hot dogs and all of them follow him out of the shop.

Felix Comes Back - Felix the cat meows to hot dogs

Final Mewsings: Cats are persistant.

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