Little Mother (1929)

Hal Roach Studios
 Mary Ann Jackson, Bobby ‘Wheezer’ Hutchins
Directed by: Robert F. McGowan

Synopsis: Mary Ann (Jackson) takes the place of her deceased mother and cares for her two younger siblings, Wheezer (Bobby Hutchins) and Beezer (Donnie Smith).

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The tabby cat who first appeared in the Our Gang short The Spanking Age and several since then returns and again steals his scenes, even against Pete the Pup. In the opening scene Wheezer and Beezer are eating dried apples in the kitchen. Pete is watching them and the tabby cat is on the counter eating from a cup.

Our Gang - Little Mother - tabby cat on counter eating with Wheezer, Beezer and Pete

Our Gang - Little Mother - tabby cat on counter eating from cup

Having run out of food, the cat jumps down and sneaks into Pete’s bowl of food. Pete doesn’t appreciate this and taps the cat on the head with his paw.

Our Gang - Little Mother - tabby cat eats food from Pete's dish

Our Gang - Little Mother Pete the Pup hits cat who is stealing food animated gif

When the cat won’t leave, Pete picks him up by the scruff and carries him to the next room, depositing him there.

Our Gang - Little Mother Pete the Pup carries cat by the scruff into another room animated gif

Later in the short, the boys have swollen stomachs from drinking too much water after eating the apples. Mary Ann offers to rock them in a chair and as they sit down the cat can be seen sitting beside the chair.

Our Gang - Little Mother - tabby cat sitting by rocking chair with Pete, Mary Ann, Wheezer and Beezer

As they rock back and forth and cat’s tail wags (via manipulation) and barely misses being smashed, a common screen comedy gag at the time.

Our Gang - Little Mother cat swishing tail near rocking chair animated gif

Eventually Mary Ann gets up with the boys and the chair does catch the cat’s tail, which makes him jump.

Our Gang - Little Mother rocking chair catches cat's tail and makes him jump animated gif

Finally Mary Ann gives the boys baking soda in water, but she accidentally adds some soap powder as well and the boys start hiccuping bubbles. The cat watches one of the bubbles as it floats over his head, a clever bit of animation.

Our Gang - cat watching soap bubble animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats know how to perform comedy.

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