This Island Earth (1955)

This Island Earth DVD

Universal International Pictures
 Rex Reason, Faith Domergue, Jeff Morrow, Russell Johnson
Also Starring: Orangey
Directed by: Joseph M. Newman

Synopsis: Pilot and scientist Dr. Cal Meacham (Rex Reason) is chosen to join a group of fellow researchers in a top-secret location where advances in nuclear energy are being developed under the watchful eye of a strange man named Exeter (Jeff Morrow).  But Dr. Meacham suspects that he and his fellow scientists, Dr. Ruth Adams (Faith Domergue) and Steve Carlson (Russell Johnson) among others, are being manipulated by beings not of this Earth for a more sinister purpose.

Featured Feline: When Dr. Meacham is first shown his lab by Drs. Adams and Carlson, they find an orange tabby inside whom they explained is named Neutron (because he is so positive.)

This Island Earth - orange tabby cat in laboratory

The cat senses the rays from the machine Exeter and Brack are using to spy on the group and screeches, inadvertently alerting the scientists that they are being observed.

This Island Earth - orange tabby cat screeches

Later when the scientists again meet in secret they are feeding Neutron some milk on top of the lead barrier where he had sensed the machines before in order to be alerted if they should be heard again (fortunately the cat doesn’t have to screech again.)

This Island Earth - pouring milk for orange tabby

Trained by Frank Inn, this is just one of Orangey’s many on-screen credits, some of which we have already reviewed on this blog.

This Island Earth - Orange tabby cat drinking milk on barrier

Final Mewsings: Cats can sense alien rays . . . or know clever ways in which to get milk.

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